Monday, March 5, 2012

Family Business

Like father...                                                           like son?

Back with Day Two and I must say it feels good to be writing again.  I've always been a bit of an exhibitionist as it pertains to my thoughts, so it is quite remarkable that I don't utilize facebook and twitter more frequently.  See I don't even know why I felt the need to share that musing.  I don't really know why we as people feel the need to share anything--everything in some cases.  Validation of our own existence, I suppose.  But as philosophy has taught me, we can't even verify that.  What does all this have to do with anything?  I don't know, but it's fun to ponder.

Now for something somewhat more purposeful.  As stated yesterday, feel free to weigh in on a particular question you might like answered by clicking here, or if you feel particularly ambitious please offer your own answer to a question.  We would be more than happy to post it if you, dear reader, are willing to share.  Part of the fun of this for us is the interaction, so the more we can encourage, the better.  Now, on to today's question.

39. Do you see yourself with children at some point in the future?


Just kidding, there's more to it than that.  Whoever wrote these questions is nosy.  I have been picturing my future children for way longer than what I would assume a typical man would.  Much to my own detriment in earlier days.  It isn't easy convincing a girl to start dating you when you have already pictured the whole relationship leading up to and through the wedding.  One might say I over-think things.  But let's be serious, who wouldn't want to help bring more people like me in to this world?  I mean check out that smile (above).  However, I can understand why I may have scared off a few ladies in my time with my deep commitment to commitment.

Being the planner that I am, the question I always ask myself when I think about having kids is whether or not I should adopt.  While there is something to be said for raising a child that is my own flesh and blood, I think it would be more selfless to adopt.  Our world is already ridiculously overpopulated and full of children who need good homes.  Even in our current living situation, Kieley and I could provide a strong support for those in need.  Don't worry, we're not planning anything just yet.

Still, I'm a selfish person and I want a child that I helped to create.  I worry for that child, though.  More than I worry for my family, friends, Kieley, and myself.  I worry for my friends kids, too.  I think every generation faces the same concern: what kind of world are we leaving behind for our children?  I honestly don't know.  What I do know is that whether my child is my blood or someone else's, I want the opportunity to raise at least one.  It would make me feel good to know that the next generation has someone a little bit like me living in it.  I hope he or she has a fair chance to improve the world in whatever small way he or she can.

And if he can grow a sweet beard before he is 10, well that would be something I'd like to see.

1 comment:

  1. Ha...what a topic for a Monday night. Scarier yet...I'm so intrigued that I'm choosing to respond...and it's still Monday night?!

    While you've framed the post on the idea of having/not having children, I believe your words tap into an even deeper question about life...and things and stuff. When one talks about having children and investing so greatly in another being, one may also being facing the cold, hard facts about mortality. I think your last paragraph speaks to that concept, especially.

    This post started with a question about having kids, and ended up asking several more questions. One observation that I feel comfortable sharing...we sure have entered the next phases of our lives. In fact...somehow I'm waist deep in it, already. It seems that you may be, too.

    I'll also say this...I would certainly feel a deep attachment to an adopted child. Just think about it...that child was probably dealt just about the worst hand possible. But came along...and gave that child a flush on the river (heh heh...I know, it's cheesy). So make no mistake about it...that gesture would be giving and altruistic. However, in some ways it is also incredibly selfish...but in a good way. That bond would be as strong as any that I could imagine. If you're looking into having children, certainly that is among the top reasons.
