Thursday, October 13, 2011

Schindler's Fear

I actually didn't learn anything of note yesterday.  At least nothing comes to mind.  Kieley will be the first to tell you how rare this is as I basically never stop reading and I am disseminating some nugget of information probably every fifth sentence or so.  Bless her heart, she indulges me through it all, even when I'm reading an article about "South Park" while she's trying to seduce me.  But I digress.

The point is I am always trying to enhance my knowledge by reading everything I can get my hands on.  Thus, for me to go a day without learning something new, even if it is trivial, is a rarity in my world.  That said, I didn't come here to talk about what I didn't learn yesterday.  Instead, I'm here to talk about what I learned on Tuesday.

Apparently, the remake of Cape Fear was supposed to be directed by Steven Spielberg while Schindler's List would have been helmed by Martin Scorsese.  I found this shocking as Schindler's List is such a definitive film for Spielberg in a career full of definitive films.  The movie has always been presented as Spielberg's labor of love, so it seems weird that he wasn't originally attached to it.  Meanwhile, Cape Fear is so Scorsese it's overwhelming.  I'm not going to go down that road right now, though.  We'll save my disdain for Marty for another time.

However, I will leave you with this thought: what would the "blooper reel" from Schindler's List look like?  Has there ever been a film with a more somber tone?  Did anyone even tell a joke on set?  Or smile?  Something to think about.

What I've Learned this week
October 9th: The Cowboys were the first NFL team to racially integrate.
October 10th: The LA Rams were truly the first NFL team to racially integrate.
October 11th: Steven Spielberg was to direct Cape Fear while Martin Scorsese directed Schindler's List.
October 12th: Nothing that I can remember.
October 13th: You can't donate blood when you have a cold.       

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