Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A different kind of twitter

This morning I was awakened by the dreaded chirping of a smoke detector with a low battery.  I did what anyone whose house is not on fire, nor is in imminent danger of being on fire, would do.  I unplugged the damn thing.  Ah, peace and quiet...*chirp*...*chirp*...I took the battery out of the smoke detector that was already unplugged and then put the empty, unplugged detector in the living room.

At last, I was able to get some much desired sleeping in time on my day off...*chirp*...*chirp*...I wrapped the wretched device in a towel and put it in my kitchen pantry.  That ought to do it.  Finally some beauty rest, 40 winks, log sawing time...*chirp*...*chirp*...what the hell kind of super-powered demon machine was this smoke detector?  Then I realized we have two in very close proximity to each other.  I mean seriously, we don't even need two in our whole apartment let alone two this close to each other:

"Hi-ho, neighbor Tim!"

Of course, it might be better said to say we "had" two smoke detectors in close proximity as they now both reside elsewhere.  Although, come to think of it, they are even closer to each other than they used to be:

 Is it ironic that they are next to hot sauce?

I'm on the fence about whether or not I am going to put them back as in my experience smoke detectors have done nothing but drain batteries and then chirp incessantly until I replace the batteries only to go through the process again.  If you want to smoke in our apartment, now's your chance.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

9 Followers and Counting

Almost two weeks into the Twitter experiment and I am proud to say I have something to show for it.  Nine followers!  And if any of you nine are reading right now, thank you.  Especially my first follower "German ignacio rojas," whoever the hell you are.  Naturally when I saw that gentleman become my first new Twitter friend my prior reservations were confirmed: Twitter is pointless to a guy like me who doesn't understand it.

I theorize that people my age are not of the Twitter generation.  We do fine with Facebook and various other "check me out, I'm awesome" sights, but we don't "get" Twitter.  If there is anything to get, that is.  For one thing, why post on Twitter at all if my post can be linked to my Facebook account which my friends actually look at and comment on?  And it isn't as though everyone's fancy phone can't access Twitter, Facebook, and a million other Websites.  For me, I don't need to be on a bunch of different sights talking about my day.  One should suffice.

However, I will admit the one thing that draws me in is the 140 character gimmick.  It is fun trying to write such a brief synopsis of my thoughts.  I will also grant that if I better understood the "@" and the "#" it would be fun to talk to celebrities and pay attention to what is trending, respectively.  But in truth I feel too removed from the Twitter culture.  It seems like a more impersonal way for us to pretend we are being personal.

All that said, I am gonna stick with it at least until I get to 50 followers, and probably beyond.  I created the profile, I might as well use it.  You've suck me in again technology-based cultural movement!