Thursday, July 28, 2011


Before diving in to the topic at hand, I just want to mention the sort of devine intervention that took place at my sister's house. I had bought a pizza the week before we started this endeavor and left it in her freezer with the hope of eating it the following week. Then arose the challenge and I couldn't follow through on my grand scheme. No matter since my sister ate the pizza anyway. I wonder where she thought it came from. I wonder if she thought she forgot that she had bought it. I'd be miffed, but for all the pizzas of hers I have eaten without asking over the years.

So a thought occurred to me recently while I planned what pizza I was going to eat when this whole thing is over. The pizza I really wanted is not available in my area, nor my second choice. Not even the oven pizza that is my favorite. It made me wonder why I even bother eating over and over again pizzas that are not my favorite. Why waste money and calories on it? I have effectively eliminated Pizza Hut from my life, after all.

But what about Domino's, Papa John's, and crappy oven pizzas? Certainly there are some brands of pizza that I might be in the mood for and I guess that they could be considered my favorites at the time, but I feel like I could be ordering new kinds of pizza I've never had in an effort to find a new favorite. Maybe completely casting off a pizza forever is closed-minded, but in truth it's been nearly two weeks without pizza and I don't miss it at all. Not even my favorite brands.

I'm sure this thought will arise again, but for now I will leave it at that. For those wondering, my favorite pizzas are:

Rocky Rococo's




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