Thursday, July 21, 2011


Hello everybody (or, more appropriately, nobody at this point), welcome to "Two Weeks' Notice." The concept for this blog is cribbed from a friend who used to write the "Two Weeker," or something to that effect. I searched for her original work as I was hoping to co-opt the format she was using and make it my own. Given my inability to find her blog, I assume her project is long dormant and that she wouldn't mind if I borrow the concept. Anyway, if you are reading this one day, thanks Mo.

Now about the concept. It's basic for now, but it is malleable so that it can suit this author's (and my co-author/girlfriend's) random thought process and development of ideas and framework. But enough vagueness (yesterday I read a shirt that said "what happens in vagueness stays in vagueness," I thought that was clever), "Two Weeks' Notice" is a clever name to apply to our effort to do something, or not, for two weeks.

As the blog grows and our ideas grow it may expand into something much greater. I see big things involving social experiments, but the courage I once had for those things needs to be rekindled. Anyway, we started on Sunday July 17 with the very basic plan to not eat pizza for two weeks. Not much of a challenge in my opinion, but something necessary for us given how much pizza we eat and how we feel afterward.

Better to serve our purpose is that such a small sacrifice will make the much larger sacrifice of starting to write once again on a more regular basis a little more manageable. But enough about that (I'm long-winded and parenthetically-friendly), this was merely supposed to be a brief introduction. I hope one day when you are interested in how this whole thing got started, you happen to read this.


1 comment:

  1. Yes. This is neat. I can't wait until you watch a movie for 2 weeks straight.
