Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Digs

Welcome back!  Here's the short version of where we have been: job search, Thanksgiving, job search, Christmas, move, job search, job search, job search.  Okay, now that that is out of the way, here is the current two week challenge.

Each day we will answer a different question from this Website which seemingly has no purpose except to give us an easy new challenge to meet to get back in the swing of things.  Feel free to check out the questions here or by typing "good conversation starters" into Google.  We would gladly accept requests for questions to answer, so feel free to weigh in.

Thanks again for past and (hopefully) future interest in our musings.  And an extra special thanks goes out to those who held out hope that we would return and checked back with us in January and February.

And now, the first question...

46. How long have you been living at where you live now?

Randomly selected, and how apropos.  Well, my lady and I have been living in an "undisclosed" new location for just a little over two months now.  Certainly, most everyone that reads this will know where we are, if not to the exact latitude and longitude at least to the region.  However, the reason we can not say exactly where we are has to do with...well, let's just leave it at that until April 15, 2012.

It's been a wonderful experience thus far and I've never seen Kieley or Maddie (our dog) in better spirits.  Even without a full-time job yet, I'm encouraged by the decision to move.  I actually realized yesterday just how fun it is to see Kieley around true winter weather--or at least as true of a winter that has been offered to us this year in *censored, --*.

It's fun to watch her discover things about the area that I have known about my entire life.  For me it has been a rediscovery of not only the season, but also the place in this world that I have always thought of as home.  I'm not great about looking at the world through other people's eyes, but the glimpses that I have seen through Kieley's have been fascinating.  I can't remember the last time I thought about the way snow falls and moves differently across a frozen wood plank, or how bizarre it actually is to have my snot freeze in my nose.

Anyway, just a little over two months is how long we have been living here.

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