Tuesday, March 6, 2012

No Chance in Hell

My friend, who goes by the handle jannetty81, had an insightful response to my post from yesterday that I wanted to share with everyone.  For those who haven't read yesterday's piece, you may click here.  His comment is in the blog, but also pasted below:

Ha...what a topic for a Monday night. Scarier yet...I'm so intrigued that I'm choosing to respond...and it's still Monday night?!

While you've framed the post on the idea of having/not having children, I believe your words tap into an even deeper question about life...and things and stuff. When one talks about having children and investing so greatly in another being, one may also being facing the cold, hard facts about mortality. I think your last paragraph speaks to that concept, especially. 

This post started with a question about having kids, and ended up asking several more questions. One observation that I feel comfortable sharing...we sure have entered the next phases of our lives. In fact...somehow I'm waist deep in it, already. It seems that you may be, too.

I'll also say this...I would certainly feel a deep attachment to an adopted child. Just think about it...that child was probably dealt just about the worst hand possible. But then...you came along...and gave that child a flush on the river (heh heh...I know, it's cheesy). So make no mistake about it...that gesture would be giving and altruistic. However, in some ways it is also incredibly selfish...but in a good way. That bond would be as strong as any that I could imagine. If you're looking into having children, certainly that is among the top reasons.

First of all, this topic will scare a young man to talk about any day of the week.  Secondly, not all readers are in the same place as jannetty81 and myself, but I think most everyone can relate to the dilemma.  I know some families that have had their own children as well as taken the opportunity to adopt.  Not only does it satisfy both means of raising children, but it creates a diverse family dynamic from which both sets of children can learn great things.

But enough about yesterday, on to today's questions.  Again, if you want to play along in any fashion be sure to click here for the site where we draw the questions from.

50. If you could work for anyone you choose, who would it be and why?

Anyone that has known me long enough knows that I am an unabashed wrestling fanatic, so my dream boss if I had to pick one would probably be wrestling czar Vince McMahon.  That's where my mind zoomed to immediately, but then I thought about what a workaholic anyone who runs their own company must be.  In McMahon's case I have seen numerous examples to prove that notion but in front of cameras and behind the scenes.

The fact is this is true of all the entrepreneurs I know.  From the WWE all the way down to the little kids running their lemonade stands in the summer every one of them has two things in common: dedication to and a passion for what they do.  Yes, I am passionate about wrestling.  Hell, I could even say that I am passionate about my current job at Whole Foods Market to an extent, but I think ultimately my true passion is being independent.  Thus, while it would be nice to be working underneath wrestling's God, I would feel like I was giving my life to him.

That has been the issue I have had with all of my jobs; it feels like I am doing them for someone else.  So the true answer to this question is that the person I would most like to work for is me.  What would be my business?  Well, I haven't figured that out yet, but I am working on that right now...well not right now, but in this current period of my life.  I think if I could have a business of my own that that might be a job to which I was willing to give my whole life.  Even if it ends up being just a little old lemonade stand.

That's all for today.  Be sure to check out Kieley's work as well as she is a more polished, soon to be published writer.

This one is about her mom.  I think we all can relate to many of the stories.

This one is about the best bad food and starts with a picture of McDonald's fries.  Enough said.

(Don't forget these topics are being picked at random.  Hopefully that explains (some of) our erratic musings.)

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