Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I was determined to never sign up for or use Twitter. Tweets were for famous people who did truly fascinating things. What would I Tweet about? Preparing an analytic report #numbercrunchinghurtsmyhead? Watching Maddie chase a squirrel #betterthanpickingupdogpoop? I mean, sure, there's plenty of exciting things in life to announce like getting engaged, having a baby, finding a new job...but just in general? And if I were to do Twitter, I really wanted to make it worth my while. Anyone who knows me knows I can't exactly just do something a little bit; I usually attack a task with the zealotry of a sugar addict in Disney's confectionary.

It took me almost 30 minutes to pick a handle. Very self-defining that Twitter name, especially for something I had been determined not to care about *cough* *cough* Everything I wanted was taken, and, having wanted to incorporate John's nickname for me of "Boom," finally settled on KPBoom. First initial, last initial of future surname. With that accomplished, I had to think of something prolific to Tweet. It was my first, after all, and if I ended up liking this, became a celebrity, or acquired an alarming number of followers before my Tweets became truly cool, the initial Tweet was very important.

 & Bruce Willis should really do more movies together.

Yup, that was it. Enamored this week with a resurgence of Die Hard movies and watching Jeremy Irons get a beat down, it seemed appropriate. I was a Tweeter and the person who handled Samuel L Jackson's account would read my message! I felt a slight twinge of...what was that? Intrigue! What else could I Tweet? Would John and I meet our goal of 50 followers at the end of this two week challenge? Would what I wrote be relevant and interesting?

Much to my chagrin, we'll soon find out. I hope the dark side does have cookies because we're in it for the long haul.

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