Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rocket ship builder, pizza expert, loves the Giants, parent.

The title of this particular entry refers to the example info one can supply about themselves when becoming a new Twitter member.  That is something I swore I would never do, but for the sake of experimentation I have done the unthinkable.  I've posted a "tweet."  Perhaps it is my attitude about the whole thing, but I prefer calling them "twats" and I feel like all tenses on Twitter should be some form of "twat."

So like I said, I've now exposed my first twat, and boy was it ever anti-climatic.  For one thing I am forced to immediately start following celebrities (and then people I actually know and might truly give a damn about what they are doing) before I can even start talking about me, me, me.  Isn't the whole point of Twitter to tell everyone about what I am doing and get all eyes on me?  Why would I look elsewhere before trying to get people to look at me?

Needless to say I was less than enamored to begin with and the initial process has done little to ingratiate me.  That being said, if you are reading this and are on Twitter, please follow me @johnpricesright.  I know it must be exciting the thought of following someone on Twitter who hates Twitter, but the current Two Weeker Kieley and I have set in front of ourselves is to try to obtain 50 followers before August 5th.  I am already following 15 people merely by signing on to Twitter.  So what are you waiting for?  Currently I have twatted about the ending of The Dark Knight Rises, so #spoileralert if you know what I'm sayin'.

Like moving to Chicago for five months before moving back to DC, this should be an interesting look at two people stepping out of their comfort zone.

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