Monday, August 15, 2011

Don't Drink the Tigerblood

I won’t go on in great length about our most recent two-week challenge as John’s already given a brief overview (a quite witty one at that) and our new project began last night. Watching a movie every night wasn’t easy, compounded by our quest to watch only movies at least one of us hasn’t seen. Inevitably, at least one of us, and almost always both, remained raptly attuned to what unfolded on the screen in our living room. Watching movies in this fashion isn’t like a Law & Order marathon…you’re less inclined to surf the net or paint your nails or lint roll the couch when undivided attention remains a must for following plotlines. Yes, Fool’s Gold, even you forced John to set aside his fantasy football stats for the sake of a meaningful cinematic experience.

What I think this challenge focused most on was the importance of time- how you break it up, how you value what’s available, who you choose to spend it with, etc. Reserving a two-hour minimum every night for 14 days definitely made us reevaluate some things- as in, would we have otherwise just spent that 120 minutes watching Charlie Harper(Sheen) shop for bowling shirts and bad decisions or could we have done something more active like take Maddie on a long walk? We want to enjoy our nights together doing things we enjoy, and now that we have our nights free, we’re more apt to consider alternate activities that don’t necessairily involve a sofa/television combo.

I am guilty as anyone of being exhausted when I get home from work and wanting to steer clear of things which involve mass amounts of brain power or physical prowess as the sun goes down. I want to vegetate. In my pajamas sans make-up. With a bowl of mac and cheese. This is nice once in a while, truly. It’s necessary for my sanity. But I’m certainly more open to considering different ways of using our time now than I was before.

Maybe tonight will be a good night to tell John I signed us up for competitive team knitting…

No, that can wait. In the meantime, get excited about our new challenge of writing a blog entry everyday. We promise not to talk about the weather.

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