Saturday, August 27, 2011

John Pricelesworth III

I work as a Whole Foods buyer (as most readers probably know).  Recently, the most interesting part of my day has become seeing what one of the vendors will put as my last name on the invoice.  At first, I thought it was  cute, but after thinking about it I find it kind of offensive.  After all, one's name is a big part of one's identity and it shouldn't be handled just any old way.

However, much as it sort of bothers me, I don't want to say anything lest I give whoever is altering my name the response the are looking for.  It's hard to restrain myself though, I am so curious to find out what would compel someone to tamper with the name of a person (a business partner, no less) they have never met.

If I ever do find out who's doing it I do want to thank them for one thing: giving me an awesome fancy name to use when I become one of the hoi polloi: John Pricelesworth III.

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