Thursday, August 18, 2011

One-Handed Typing

My favorite picture result when I
searched "one-handed typing"

As Kieley pointed out this entry will probablt lead to some assumptions about the meaing of the title.  No double entendres here, just felt like typing with only my right hand.  For added fun, I am going to leave in asll the typos.

This is difficult to do, mote so than I remember from thre old "hunt and peck" days.  If any onre from South is reading this surely they will remember Ms. mahler's keuyboarding class.  And if anypone from my class specificcally is reading this, I'm sorry for singing the Bee Gees' "Jive Talkin;" every time we had to type the word "jive" from our keyboarding biooks.

In fact, I am sorry to everyone who just took the time to read this.  Take comfort that it took way less time to read this crapo than it did to type it.

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