Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pulp Fiction

As Pulp Fiction rolled to a close on the third to last night of our challenge to watch a movie every day for two weeks, a few things occurred to me. One, I feel like I am getting old when I am stunned to be going to bed after 10:30. Two, Pulp Fiction (released in 1994) is definitely starting to feel dated. And three--most relevant to this blog--watching a movie every day, and I mean really watching it, is time consuming.

With a day full of work and making future plans and walking dogs and building a strong relationship foundation and trips to CVS for desserts we shouldn't be eating, there seems little time to watch a movie AND blog about the experience. But, I understood that that would be the challenge from the get go: finding the time to accomplish something (no matter how small) and then talk about the experience (no matter how mundane). The guilt I felt watching a movie and not writing about that movie started to weigh on me more each day to the point that this two weeker will be the act of blogging at least once per day by both contributors.

Certainly, this whole project feels like extreme navel-gazing, but it is hard not to notice that a few Facebook friends took the time to take at a least a passing glance at what we have going here. I'd like to have more to offer than a handful of entries and another failed startup to a project I've romanticized for some time. This will be an effort to build that catalog and in the process hopefully hit on a topic that isn't writing about writing a blog.

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